From time to time, you will come across a family where one of the children stands out from the rest. Who is the father? Rather than making accusations and causing upset, you say nothing. Cuckolding seems to be prevalent in more than just the bird species. A woman may have regular sex with their partner for months on end and fail to conceive yet conceives immediately following a single event with someone else.
There is a devious mechanism at work, surreptitious and inspired. An egg is released and held at the top of the tube. It can be held there waiting for a few days and released spontaneously to fuse with the seed of an interloper. This mechanism works subconsciously. We may consider the interloper to be of fine breeding material but unlikely to hang around for years providing for the child. In truth it is invariably someone that is a major turn on. The one with the high calibre seed provides the nature and the long-term partner provides the long period of nurture. Rather than an affair, it is more often than not, a single one-off brief encounter that is not consciously controlled. The cohabitee is unlikely to suspect a thing. Biology has gone down a path of genius that only becomes unravelled in the modern must behave society. Our world can fall apart once we uncover truths. Where one hasn’t made an input in the genes, they can more than compensate by the years of effort nurturing and adding to a child’s development. Those bringing children up impart ideas and show them things that form a massive part of their character. I will reiterate this too; a child is only half yours genetically - half yours, half your partners. A grandchild is a quarter yours. Descendants ten generations down the line will have genetics derived from over a thousand people.
Biology enables children to have children. Biologically mature, mentally and emotionally less so. Some adults leave it and leave it thinking it will be fine. It is not always fine. They assumed incorrectly that they will be able to have a child later in life. The probability of success drops as each year passes. The older we as parents become the more birth defects, miscarriages and other problems we are likely to encounter. Circumstances is all. We may have more energy when we are younger, but in our youth, we are most likely working hard, building a home and under strain. With so many things to attend to when young, we have less time to devote to our children. This can create a bitterness not found by those that leave child rearing until much later in life. Perhaps that is why we can take on the role of a grandparent in such a relaxed way too.
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