
Outside the home we struggle to get our voice heard, whereas around the dinner table we have keen recipients of our wretched ideals, our contradictory inconsistent morals, and our hardline politics. Our blessed children are the perfect fodder for all of this. We can make the most of it. Who checks to see if the information we give out is complete and balanced? It is extremely hard to be completely unbiased. Bias is unavoidable. However, too many refuse to let their children build their own moral framework.

We think our political persuasion is the fairest and we are therefore keen to promote it. We force our children to adhere to our religions and ideologies. We scold them if they do not do as we do. If they were to investigate other religions, other ideologies are you frightened that they would find something better? Would that cast doubt on the robustness of what you practice. Surely if what you believe is as emphatically solid as you claim it to be, then they will follow it too. You would not fear them investigating other religions/ideologies as you know that what you hold to be true is unchallengeable and unsurpassable.

There will be untold critics of this text and that is a positive. Criticism helps us examine what we propose. Critics can be brushed aside like we swipe a fly off our food if what we propose is valid. The more critics we encounter the better we get at building rigorous ripostes. All faiths have imperfections so we might point them out to show honesty. Many though are adamant that their faith is faultless.

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