Consent maybe limited in many animal species, but humans have laws relating to consent. The laws let a lot down. The laws help stem assaults, but morality plays a bigger part. The alpha male protects, fending off interlopers. They are ever present today as they were eons ago.
Nations set an age of consent for sex. It is different across nations and to some extent rather arbitrary. Those that reach the age of consent may not have the maturity to make an informed choice, nor fully understand what they are agreeing to, however, for practical purposes a line needs to be drawn. The age of consent assumes most will be able to make reasoned choices at that point. How do we deal with those who have an affinity towards the young, rather than an acceptable attraction to those above the age of consent? Any act with a person who is too immature to make an informed choice is abusive. Thus, those that have an affinity towards children must deal with this issue without any interaction with them. Self-restraint is a constant challenge - never ending thoughts that often lead to unacceptable actions. Some have a powerful affinity that society rightly wants kept in tight check. We can’t change our affinity.
Recidivism rates for child sex offenders is unacceptably high. Paedophiles are sent to prison for an offence, they serve a sentence, then on release reoffend once again. Other solutions are available. Removal of the chemical system that causes the sexual arousal and excitement is an one option. Those that cannot control their actions might prefer some form of castration, on a voluntary basis, to free themselves of the temptation and torment.
Those that abuse the young may not be paedophiles – they are not drawn towards children specifically. They are instead, opportunistic predators. They will exploit children in their care, children in the family or children that they have contact with on a regular basis. They are targets not chosen because of their age but because of their availability.
It hardly needs mentioning that a child who has dreadful sexual interference suffers a huge loss of self-worth and can be haunted by the experience for decades thereafter. Some predators have an utterly misguided idea that they are showing care. Confusing kindness and compassion with delusional destruction. Children can be taught from an early age that a hug and a cuddle is fine, but anything else needs to be reported in confidence to their parents without fear of reprisal. It may appear obvious in retrospect, but when a child seems unusually gloomy about spending time outside of your domain, it may be a subtle clue to there being something wrong going on. Most exploitation of this nature is close to home in the near family rather than by random outsiders.
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