Human beings adapt and change. The mind can be quite flexible. However, some aspects of our mind and body are very much fixed. Our preferences are fixed. So too are our affinities. Affinities being what we gravitate towards. We also have a fixed limit to our abilities. Those that strive to be true to themselves recognise this. We may be frustrated by things we can’t do, things which other people manage quite easily, but where they struggle, we might excel. We try things, experiment, working out what we are good at. We uncover what we enjoy the most.
We go through life making lots of changes based on preferences. From what we eat, to what we do the most. As a child we ate lots of sweets and played trivial games. As a teenager we explored a range of activities. As an adult we matured a little and settled on the things we like the most perhaps. It seems like preferences evolve and change over time. The idea of fixed preferences rankles with our perceptions of how things change in our life. We say we prefer this now, to that, yet preferences are fixed. We believe that our preferences change. We can point to many examples. However, one must consider discovery. One must consider negative associations that set in. One must also consider what has changed given that our preferences are indeed fixed.
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