A lifestyle choice.
There is not a lot I am certain about, but one thing I am truly confident about is the idea that what you are is what you are. You have preferences in the sexual domain that are largely fixed. You don't choose to be a homosexual. You can try lots of things. However, you can't choose what you are most attracted to. You can discover things, and people will grow on you. However, the underlying thing that you are gravitated towards is not a choice.
Those that condemn homosexuals use a throwaway line, "it is a lifestyle choice". Lifestyle? We can choose to steer clear of all sex. We could avoid getting into any relationships. We can partake in something or other that has no appeal at all. People may practice things that whilst seem normal to them are abhorrent to others. However, to class it as being hedonistic and a lifestyle choice is a joke. The use of such words in certain contexts is a major irritation. People are born with a set sexual preference and a heterosexual lifestyle is no different to asexual, bi-sexual, iso-sexual or any other sexual life.
Lifestyle it is not. It is a pursuit of being true to oneself. We endeavour to build genuine relationships, not live in pretence for as long as we can bear it.
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