According to some you are either trans or cis. Someone, somewhere at some point has decided to create a binary. A binary that no one asked for, nor seems to want. It is hard to put your finger on why someone does not like having the cis label added to their gender. Cis woman, cis man and presumably a cis intersex.
How about I create a binary too. You are either a normal person or a transvestite. Is my binary acceptable? Would you like us to refer to trans people as transvestites? Binary of the week; normal/transvestite. (Normal; statistically so, typical, most common rather than a differential between normal/abnormal).
One question I would like to know is at what point does one stop being a cis male/female and transform into a trans person? After surgery? After a solemn declaration is made. Who knows, who decides and who cares.
A parallel irritation; being referred to as either Christian or non-Christian. Why is that an irritation? If I am a Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Jehovah witness or member of any one of eighty thousand religions I am that, not a non-Chistian. I am not a Christian. Not and non, infer a critically different concept. Not is not binary. Non is binary. Non-Christian is binary whereas not Chistian is not. Not Chistian accepts and acknowledges people may have an equally valid faith as Christians. Incidentally, I am not Christian, nor am I an atheist/agnostic for I believe in something far better.
Given that no one in my mind is 100 percent male, nor 100 percent female it makes the binary even more irrational. I often think of myself as 80 percent male and 20 percent female. That is how I see myself. Some masculine gentlemen will usually admit to having a feminine side in some areas. They may decide that they are 95 percent male and five percent female. Whatever the case we will have a little of the opposite gender/sex within us and admit to that if we are honest. On aggregate we tend to see ourselves as falling into one of the two camps. On aggregate we are male, or on aggregate we are female. So too will intersex people, though some accept who they are, and simply consider themselves as intersex.
People object to being referred to as a cis man/woman/intersex and rightly so. Maybe because being in the trans camp of the trans/cis binary infers superiority. Maybe because cis is a root part of the word cistern. Aka a toilet.
By all means use your jargon in your closed trans group discussions. However, please respect our wishes. Trans people want to be included, accepted and treated equally. We all do. Putting binary labels on those that do not want them placed on them is incredibly disrespectful. Trans people must understand that adding the cis label to those that are not trans is as aggravating as calling a brown person a Nxxxer.
Disrespectful binary: cis/trans.
Respectful binary: trans/not trans.
Man, woman, intersex - inherently implies not trans. Therefore, we need not say, not-trans-man, not-trans-woman, nor not-trans-intersex. We simple say, man, woman or intersex. The not trans element is assumed. If one wants to annotate themselves as a trans-woman, trans-man that is their prerogative.
Why does cis feel like a cist? An addition to oneself that we do not want or need. The origination is reasonable. The adaption from chemistry, being on the same side. Feeling inside, a woman, in a masculine body. Feeling inside, a man, in a feminine body. That vs feeling like a man/woman in the respective masculine/feminine body. In the Trans the blue/orange elements are not on the same side at birth.
A kaffir is a name give to a non-muslim - someone that is not a muslim. It is a sneer at best, a slur at worst.
A heretic/atheist is a name given to a non-christian - someone that is not a christian. It is a sneer or an excluded individual. Heretics and non-believers were treated very badly in the past.
I could come up with a name for those that are not vegan. Or not this or not that. What I can do is keep all happy. Not trans, not vegan, not muslim, not christian and not give a monicker to those that are not in that club. Perhaps people that are not-vegan could be called savs. Shorts for savages. Or barbs, short for barbarians. What do you reckon?
Sex and Gender
Are sex and gender entirely different things? Is there any crossover?
Male role model. A commonly used example of a societal role based on sex.
Using condoms is a social norm. However, to use condoms one needs certain sexual apparatus.
The electronics industry sets a precedent. You plug a plug into a socket. The socket is female. The plug is male. The male/female attribute of an electrical connection is considered a gender. Male and female plugs and sockets are genders not sexes.
From Wikipedia: "A gender changer is a hardware device placed between two cable connectors of the same type and gender. An example is a cable connector shell with either two female or two male connectors on it (male-to-male or female-to-female), used to correct the mismatches that result when interconnecting two devices or cables with the same gender of connector".
Male and female can rightly be considered as genders or sexes. The words man/male woman/female are interchangeable. Think of the use of envy in place of jealousy. They are different but for most intents and purpose they are the near enough the same. There are many areas of life where sex and genders crossover so modern redefinitions are a bane and best avoided.
Trans-genderism is a muddle at best, a confusion at worst.
How does a "trans-gender" person differ from a transvestite? Most women in the era 2020-2025 seem to dress more like men do. Most women, most of the time, could be deemed transvestites in the UK/USA and most of Europe. A doctor decides what sex someone is, and society will determine what role they will play, though things are changing somewhat. A set of questions will determine whether someone qualifies as a "trans-gender". There is room for error. There is room for questions to be answered, "giving them what they want to hear". The questions are subjective. Different psychotherapists will come to different conclusions.
Does it matter. Yes, it does. Whilst we only care about differentiating the genders so that we can discriminate against them, there are life changing consequences to the belief that someone ought to change their outward sex/gender. (We couldn't bar women from voting unless we could determine who were men and who were women. You can't bar people unless you can differentiate their sex/gender).
Thousands of people that hold their belief that they ought to change their sex/gender may suffer loss of sexual sensations if surgery is performed. That is sad. An intersex person made a noble admirable claim. This intersex person said this. "I am not going to be a man or a woman, I am going to be an intersex person here forth" They are proud of who they are. They are accepting of who they are and live with what they are. Happily, so. That sets an example that others may consider. Be who you are.
Male/Female, man/woman is not a binary system. It never has been, nor ever will be. Male/Female is multifaceted, quasi-binary, probably quad state with levels, lots of levels. I say quad state for the simple reason that DNA is encoded by means of 4 nucleic acids. We are male or female on aggregate. We do not fit the chemical concept of alongside, along one side. We have many things on each side whether we feel male of female. Hence transitioning from male to female or vice versa is a nonsense. At best we could shift a lot to alter the balance and become male now on aggregate, possibly, potentially.
The diagram alludes to what is being said here. In reality there could be 1000 or more registers that relate to sex and gender. No one is 100 percent female or male.
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