
Mass resists change in velocity. Mass resists being accelerated or decelerated. Mass objects to having its course altered. Mass is also attracted to other mass in the weak form, gravity. True atoms take on the behaviour of mass without needing any physical material to make them inter-active. If the point of greatest action within a true atom is static relative to other true atoms it tries to remain so, static. If it is moving relative to other true atoms, the point of greatest action within a true atom likes to remain on the same relative trajectory. True atoms resist changes in velocity.

The more mass an object has, the more force required to accelerate it. More mass, more effort needed to speed it up, slow it down or redirect it. A solid iron ball is harder to throw than one made the same size but made of paper. The iron ball has more mass than the paper one. The iron ball would resist being thrown far more than the paper one even in the vacuum of space. If you heat up an iron ball, it will expand. The volume increases, the density decreases but the mass stays the same. It will not become easier to move, to throw nor stop if it is hurtling towards you.

True atoms interact with each other with less intensity the further apart they are. They have a spherical zone of inter-action. However, they are not to be thought of as tiny spheres. Nor infinitesimally small point objects, but points of greatest inter-action. Imagine sweeping a metal detector back and forth across the ground and isolating a point where the detector emits the loudest sound. There is a point where the true atom’s effect is greatest. They are not strings. They are not balls. They are not sheets. They are emptiness with a severe inclination to resist other true atoms getting too close. If that resistance is overcome, they will unite and, in the process, cause a significant disturbance. That disturbance will radiate outwards affecting other true atoms in range.

The universe is no centralized simulation, for each atom is acting in a unique spot. We are not holographic mirages - despite being formed of nothing more than ethereal substance free true atoms. True atoms are more akin to information than what we feel is physical matter. It can be a help and a hinderance to use the word information in the context of true atoms. It helps in that many forms of information such as encoded waves, pictorial displays etc have no underlying substance. However, it hinders when we think of information as being benign, non-responsive, inactive, created, interpreted, transitory. There is no information as such contained in a pencil. But use that pencil to write something and you have created information.

The blank canvas, namely an empty void, the universe, a vacuum, null, nothing interacting state of emptiness can have interacting true atoms springing into life. From nothing, come items with no solidity, made from nothing that commence interactions between each other. True atoms emulate solidity, mass and forcefulness. They do so in their unique spot. True atoms do not represent information. They are a single piece of data that place a position shifting force on all the others. The universe is nothing bar true atoms moving. From explosions, fire, chemistry, bonding, building, it is all true atoms moving, nothing more. High velocities are what we commonly equate as temperature. Fast is hot. Slow is cold.

There are two forces involved with true atoms. One is pulling the other pushing. We can refer to the pulling one as gravity. The other as proximity resistance. Both extend outwards getting weaker and weaker the further apart they are. However, the proximity resistance tails off far quicker than the gravitational pull. The gravitational pull, whilst relatively weak compared to the local resistance extends many trillions of times further out than that local resistance. The proximity resistance effect is only relevant on the atomic scale. The induction force, gravity, is not on a linear scale with distance, but exponentially more significant the closer any true atoms get. Gravity is weak until on the verge of being at the point of greatest interaction. The force rises exponentially when very close to what you would describe as the centre. That force binds true atoms together, entangling them. The point where the gravitational force exceeds the local resistance is somewhat hazy. The boundary is not fixed.

When you press down on your table, the table resists compression. True atoms have a proximity resistance - they resist getting close to one another. That resistance has relevance when true atoms are close on the atomic scale.

As you sit in your chair reading this, with the moon on the other side of the planet, you are attracted to the Earth and the moon. The gravitational pull on you by the moon travels through the earth. This effect is quite minimal for the moon is quite some distance from you. The effects radiating from the true atom fade fast as the distance increases. On a single plane it will be one divided by the square of the distance. The gravity drawing you to the centre of the earth is not a single force but a combination of untold true atoms pulling on you. For those of you that are unaware of how gravity draws masses together, you have mass, you are an ultra-micro planet of sorts. In space, things would be more noticeably drawn towards you. All mass has a gravitational effect on all other masses.

No true atom exists without the rest. Each individual true atom is defined by the effect it has on the others. Astronomers can spot distant planets not necessarily by seeing them directly but by seeing the effect they have on the orbit of other larger objects. They cause a wobble in the orbit of other bodies. A similar principle applies with true atoms. The centre of the true atom, the position of it is made by the balance point of where it interacts the most with others. The point of greatest interaction. The true atom has no form, but presence dictated by all the other true atoms.


Are all true atoms the same? They will be moving at different relative speeds and are positioned at unique points in relation to one another. However, could there be countless types? Some could simulate a greater mass. By that we mean resist a change in velocity to a greater degree and have a differing gravitational effect. Some may have twenty percent, thirty percent, any number of percent more mass effect compared to others. Here in lies a duality. The level of mass is both on the peak of a mountain and within the bounds of a trench. On the mountain, too much mass and it tips over into the abyss, too little and it returns into the abyss. In the trench it is held in place with some room to shift but an inherent will to maintain an average mass effect.

Whilst each true atom is the same per se, their mass effect depends on their relative velocity. The greater the velocity, the greater the mass effect. Hence, both the resistance to change in velocity and the gravitational effect relates to the relative speed of the individual true atom.

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