The journey

We are spat out at the source of the river. Some manage three heartbeats and become another still born statistic. Others drown or hit the rocks. Those that make it to adulthood are still being swept along by the force of the current. All of us end up in the ocean to meet our maker and reused by those in the lower ranks of the food chain. All the atoms that have been holding us together are then given over for other animals and the plants to use.

Looking at life deeply is akin to swimming to great depths. Some will choose to stay on the surface. Some will explore a little way down and a good few will reach the bottom gaining awareness by touching the river bed. Those swimming down get to see a whole world of intrigue. The metaphorical coral reefs, the unending variety of fish and sea species. On the surface, it is just a limited world view. No matter how far you get or how deep you explore you have to return to the surface to eat and breathe though. An enthralling life still terminates at the graveyard irrespective of how deep you swim. We can’t truly escape our human form. No new technology or future advances in science will change that. Emotion needs a whole living body. We will never be able to morph into something that lives forever.

We as members of the human race participate to varying degrees. Many people have come and gone and lots more should follow. You can only come back as another member not as a particular individual. Memory of a former life is not evident or up for serious discussion. Though you will have made some waves, some interference, connection, and disturbance to the soul of all life for sure. A simple act of going into a shop and buying something is enough to make a difference to some else’s day, more cash in the till and more stock that needs replenishing. On the brighter side your smile and friendly greeting can boost the morale of the serf counting down the minutes left before going home.

The journey inside yourself, the examination of what and who you are can change your priorities. Many of us will go on holiday and whilst there we get more of a chance to sit and think. We reflect for a while but return to reality quite quickly once back at home and back at work. There is always that important meeting to attend and project to finish, never relenting never ending. What are we working for if we don’t balance the financial rewards with inner rewards of a quality of life? The things that seem to be so pertinent and cherished at some point in time end up as waste to contend with. Consumerism, items made and fanned out across the globe percolating down the line to satisfy a fleeting need. You will have a role in some of that. It may have provided something for people to remark upon, enjoyment even, but was the value exaggerated?

If one thing disheartens me more than anything it is the naff comments and retreating demeanour when a conversation gets more involved. In discussions that are a little deeper, people come alive, their body language tells it all. I never ever found it in the least bit depressing. I found it to be the exact opposite. I can appreciate that people have entrenched views and beliefs yet when pushed they can argue their case rather well. Throwaway lines such as “we are putting the world to rights tonight” have the subtext; Nothing we say will make any difference and that we should keep our heads down and remain busy with the business of everyday life. Many people won’t need to read a book or study a script to find themselves never being embarrassed, having great confidence and a free nature. Having any form of enlightenment is not a necessity nor is it a worthy aim, but some can see a positive in being more of what they want to be. There is a liberating practical side to philosophy.

Some are born laissez-faire and worry little about anything, but when the onset of financial pressures takes its toll or the prospect of taking possession of a house beckons, or a baby comes onto the scene things can change somewhat. People come to the realisation that problems, serious or otherwise can be put to the back of their head until directly faced with them. Then they can be broken down into manageable parts and worked through. It is not about ignoring a car crash that is soon to happen nor procrastinating and sidestepping things that would be good to get resolved. Instead, it is taking the attitude that you will just deal with any problems as and when they arise. Work out the options, select one and get it done. Muddling through is a norm and is alright considering that the last thing people want is to be judged. One does not need to justify their ways for humble individuals can see the greyness where a preacher has distilled things into a black and white, acceptable unacceptable dryness.

Many wish to make the world a better place but at the same time yearn for the simplicity of the past. Progress is not always viewed as positive; we make changes for what we see as good, ignoring the possibility that such alterations have downsides and compromises. We only end up with a few more options a few more choices and slightly quicker alternatives. Some like the changes and others see the alterations as spoiling what was perfectly fine before. Is sex any better now than it was 1000 years ago? Maybe the opportunity to take part has been prolonged into older age with magic pills to maintain the stiffness and sensuality. It could be that plastic aids have replaced wooden or leather ones but are these really worthy of industrial and technology revolutions, and human sacrifices. The next time you walk into a meadow or trot down a valley ask yourself if nature’s beauty has been helped or hindered by all our endeavours. You plant this and that and cut back a vivacious species hoping to enforce a balance by killing all the things that were doing just fine.

Things are progressing. We have moved on. However, the excitement for what is around the corner, advancements to come, wanes when you realise that what really matters is pretty constant. Has fashion improved? Not one bit. You may cringe at what you wore 20 years ago, but it was as good as what it is today.

In the past good quality housing, access to information, clean running water and the means to travel were an aspiration. Now they have moved more towards been taken for granted. With ever better medicinal practitioners we also live longer in some nations than before. However, we must not ignore the truth that half of the world live on the equivalent to what the other half might spend on single cup of coffee a day. I doubt compassion and relief for the less well-off will increase to noticeable levels anytime soon. We care if the wealthy perish in a small event but if tens of thousands get washed away or shaken to pieces in an impoverished place it is a case of c’est la vie. Life goes on regardless, often oblivious and there is a limit to what we can do or are prepared to sacrifice.

We like to think that we make steps forward in the political arenas and that we have more freedoms now than before. However, the governments simply get better at creating an illusion of this and harden their stance. More and more disruptive technologies are changing the way we do business. This has sparked new ventures not possible previously. From making fire to cook, to using fire to generate steam, disruption is nothing new. They are all however progressing at the expense of something else, not always adding to the sum of all things. We have to do more, learn more and consider more just to tread water. Where some risks have been eliminated others have emerged. For a good few, life today has the potential to be more rewarding, for others little has changed. The subjects we talk about change, but the joy of talking to one another is always the same. Of course, there have been outstanding improvements, but some things get lost in this process of change.

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