
What brings about delays and lags we may ask? If you had a very long stick and pushed one end you might expect the other end to move simultaneously. However, this is not the case, as a zero delay is not observed. It would break the relative speed of light. There is a propagational delay. The stick crumples then re-expands all along its length. The delays that we observe are caused by the crumpling which creates a longer pathway. As you push the stick, the force takes a path that is much longer than the stick as it zig-zags through. Gravitational delays occur in the same way. When an object moves, it imparts a change to the gravitational force even on objects that are very far away. The delay in the reaction is brought about by the increased length of the pathway between them compared to the actual relative distance apart. If a fly gets struck by an oncoming train it gets stopped momentarily and therefore the train is also stopped albeit briefly. Except that the fly does not stop, it takes a u-shaped path crumpling and has its trajectory gradually shifted around a semi-circular route.

If god made the earth who made god? What was there before this universe came into existence? Simple questions that children are renowned for asking and are difficult to answer. Items in the universe appear to be moving further apart – in a sense the universe is expanding in size. We could take a wild guess that it started off from a single point. We can come up with many theories and run some equations to see if they are potentially possible. We hit on issues, so we then adapt the theory in hand and retest the numbers. An instantaneous rapid expansion concept is attractive - one of many fashionable ideas. This idea will be replaced by something much more accurate soon enough.

The scope of the space containing the universe is not infinitely large but is a void of null size. The true atoms change their relative distances apart effectively occupying more space in the void. It is not ‘what was before this universe’ but what state were the true atoms in before they moved to the point they are now. Time remember is an abstract human concept. True atoms materialise and move, at different relative rates. When the conditions are right, enough in close vicinity they change state once again. Spawned from nought and returned there periodically. The only way is just that.

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