With help or on your own

Ben can manage a lot by himself and there are times where it is nice to go off diving alone without needing to get others involved. Nevertheless, it can be rather rewarding doing something with the whole camp on board helping. You can operate as a one-man band, but there is a lot to be had from being a small cog in a large machine. Constructing large buildings and making machines that fly are only possible with a fair degree of co-operation. Therefore, community-ism has remarkable upsides. Sporting events, rallies and large gatherings provide us with an atmosphere with no parallel in individual pursuits. Look at what we can do when we work together. Each contributor gets a sense of satisfaction. That is not found when doing something solitary. You can split your time between doing things by yourself and things with others. Hopefully, finding the fit that suits your mind-set. Both tacks can be sparkling. Sometimes we are coerced into group activities rather than invited. There can also be pressure to make people feel as though they must repay a debt to society.

Your work, you get the reward. If it is your business, you get all the benefits from your hard work. You keep all the proceeds, and everything is crystal clear. You decide upon how profits are spent, whereas when we work for the good of the whole, the benefits are cloudy. Would you work a lot extra to pay for something that enhances your child’s life, better education, better equipment, better whatever? Now think if you would honestly do a lot of work, extra work in order to help other people’s children. Maybe, but only a small number seem to put their heart and soul into it for any great length of time. Most are willing to give some of the proceeds of their labour to the community. Some, but not too much. Finding the sweet spot between what we keep for ourselves and what we hand over to others is a task for the thick skinned - people that can brush off the flak.

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