
To make a fair fortune we need a few things. An ability to work, a mechanism to work on and control over distractions. You can’t make much money if the project can’t be scaled up and expanded. If you choose hairdressing, then you could potentially open a salon in every town in the country. The mechanism is the thing that you setup and then duplicate over and over. Alternatively, you can get involved with something that can be manufactured in ever increasing quantities. In my business, I overestimated by a factor of ten the amount I would sell. Fortunately, I had selected a field where the range could be expanded tremendously.

Time and speed are everything in business, it is so easy to go backwards financially as rent, rates, vehicle costs and deductions taken for living expenses keep rolling in regardless. There is a big difference between being able to do something as a hobby and being able to do it viably on a commercial basis. Having said that, we can still do impressive things in life if we ignore the time pressure. Perseverance is a vital key to business growth. You try one way and if that doesn’t work you try another way, if that fails then try something else. Sometimes you just have to keep on going until the objective is met.

Anyone can build a wall even a sprightly eighty-year-old but being able to pick up six bricks at a time rather than just one is going to affect the time taken to complete it. As a leisure activity, there are no real-time constraints. Even if it all goes wrong you could demolish it and start it all over again until you are satisfied with the result.

Flying an aeroplane however is a different proposition altogether. You can spend as long as you like checking the aircraft and taxiing to the runway, but you need good reaction times to handle the plane during take-off, landing and all activities during the flight. This ability to respond to the events unfolding is the ‘real time’ factor and some may possess the skill, whilst others, regardless of the amount of practice may never meet the requirements to do it safely. It is not only pilots that have an ability to respond well in real time. Actors, comedians, and musicians are other examples of people with highly developed interactive skills. We have to accept our limitations when speed is an issue. However, for many jobs with enough grit and determination, where time is not a huge factor, we can accomplish all kind of things without needing a certificate or approval from others.

As for motivation? How do we garner the perseverance to succeed you may wonder. Perhaps you could visualise your goal. Think long and hard, day after day, dwelling on the bounty that is to come. And then by magic it materialises. This is a theorem that contains some truth and some fiction. If you keep thinking about your objectives, you place them higher up on your list of priorities. The more you visualise what you want, the more you want it. Effort will be needed though. You must examine the hurdles, break them down into smaller pieces and step forth.

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